(20th Anniversary of Korean War Monument)…It is the Granite Monument in Felicity.

(No agreement with the City of Calexico)…Not yet. The Heffernan Memorial Healthcare District met Tuesday night. At the meeting, the Board was to discuss an agreement with the City that would provide Calexico with $700,000 for an ambulance program. After discussing the issue, the District Board said they needed more information on possible funding sources before they would vote on the agreement. The issue will be brought back to the District Board at a later date.


(Moratorium extended)…But only until the next Board meeting.

(Supervisors reorganize)…..The Board started their meeting Tuesday with the ceremony.

(Crop Report Plus)…It is a report that takes the annual Crop Report further.

(APCD Officer updates Board of Holiday Air Pollution)….Matt Desert made two presentations.
