(Royalty for the Holtville Carrot Festival)...The 75th Annual Holtville Carrot Festival is coming in early February.

The Royalty will be in place February 4th. There are two contestants in each category. In the Queen category the contestants are Danioella Contreras, a Senior at Southwest High School, and Ariana Venegas, a Senior at Holtville High School. The Princess candidates are; Mayah Taylor a 7th grader at Pine School and Yanesi Padilla an 11 year old Holtville resident. And the contestants for Junior Princess, a pair of Kindergarteners. Aleeyah Aguilar, a student at Hedrick Elementary and Jaclyn Baeza, a student at Finley. The Coronation on February 4th in all categories will be at the Swiss Club in Holtville. The 75th Annual Holtville Carrot Festival will run the week of February 7 through February 13. The Grand Marshall for the annual parade on February 12th will be 99 year old Sadie Rubin.