(Remembering Law Enforcement Officers)....It is National Law Enforcement Memorial Week.

It runs through Saturday May 15th. Locally, a tribute to Law Enforcement Officers who lost their lives in the line of duty was held Friday. A Parade Friday evening went from the Border Patrol Station on Aten Road to the Superior Courthouse on Main Street in El Centro. At the Courthouse there is a display of 43 flags, representing the number of law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty in Imperial Valley since 1920. The display will remain up and open to the public throughout this week. The local Imperial  Valley Law Enforcement Memorial Committee is working towards building a permenant Memorial near the Veteran's Wall at the Pioneers Museum on Aten Road, across from Imperial Valley College. The committee consists of active and retired officers from various agencies in the Imperially. They are raising donations to pay for the Law Enforcement Memorial Wall.