((Imperial County Film Commission)...They have announced the winners and date for their first Virtual Film Festival.
The First festival will be available online from May 15 through May 22. It will focus on the energy, fun and craft of Music Videos. Ten Submissions were accepted to be judged and consdered for awards. Winning first place and winning $500 was This Place, by artists Tony KC Romero, directed by Tony Romero. The 2nd place winner, receiving $300, was My Dear Blue, by the artist Zander Schloss, directed by Marco Vera. The third place winner and receiving $200, was Beneath The Stars, by the band Seven Wonders and directed by Leonel and Elizabeth Ibarra. The Virtual festival is available at the Film Commission website, FilmImperialCounty.com. The next virtual film festival will focus on short films in the drama category, and will be available for submissions June 8-29. Viewing online will be July 17-24.