(A series of Virtual webinars)...They are being offered by the local Film Commission.
They are being offered to local filmmakers, offering them a chance to hone their craft. On Saturday, April 24th, the Imperial County Film Commission will host the first in a series of virtual educational webinars. These events will be free and open to the public. The first webinar in the series will cover the do's and don'ts of film permits and is designed to educate independent filmmakers on the film permit process and the necessity of production insurance. Dan Taylor, President of Inland Empire Film Services, and Charla Teeters, Film Commissioner for Imperial County, with their over 30 years of combined experience, will discuss the process, changes and challenges they have witnessed in the industry and share stories and experiences from their careers. The webinars are free, but if you want to participant, you must register by April 22nd. Go to FilmImperialCounty.com for more information.