(A series of film festivals)...They are being hosted by the Imperial County Film Commission.
The Film Festivals, each focusing on a unique genre of filmmaking and storytelling, are designed to encourage filmmakers, their craft and provide an audience for their work. Eacf festival will be available for everyone to view online for one week. The first festival will celebrate the energy, fun and craft of Music Videos. The call for entries is now open, with a deadline of May 1st. A panel of judges will view all entries and select the top three winners for a cash prize. All music videos will be screened online from May 15-22. Filmmakers can submit multiple entries, however, each entry must be submitted separately, and entry is free. Entries will be accepted according to the Motion Picture Association of America Rating Board System, however, any film containing R-rated material, nudity, guns, graphic violence, drug use, alcohol or cigarette consumption will not be accepted. Go to FilmImperialCounty.com or their Facebook page for details, entry forms and rules.