The Imperial Valley Food Bank will celebrate their 5th Birthday.

The Food Bank has been feeding Imperial Valley residents for more than five years but they plan to celebrate the anniversary of the completion of their newest building. The building, at the intersection of Aten and LaBrucherie in Imperial, ws completed five years ago but that was at the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic and few people were able to see inside the building. To celebrate the 5th birthday of the facility, the Food Bank will host an Open House on Saturday, September 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Tours will be given every half-hour. There will be food vendors and information available as well. IVFB Executive Director Sara Griffen encouraged people to visit adding, " Many people in Imperial Valley invested in us through the construction of this facility, which has allowed us to meet the increasing demand we have seen in the amount of people needing food assistance". 

The Food Bank supplies 18 partner agencies, 19 food pantries and shelters, 33 schools and hosts 14 mobile food pantries each month, serving more than 25,000 residents throughout Imperial County.