The Imperial County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday.

The Board conducted a public hearing to review and approve actions for the Cal 98 Charger Logistics Project. This is a new trucking and warehouse operation in the Calexico area. The Board adopted a resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration, thereby ensuring the project complies with environmental standards. The Board also approved a Zone Change and granted a Conditional Use Change for the project. 

The Board discussed and took action on a resolution to adopt the Imperial County Good Neighbor Community Benefit Agreement Program. The program will aim to foster positive relationships between the county and it's communities. The program is to provide structured benefits and support to residents impacted by local projects.

The Board approved $6,000 for the Seeley Community Advisory Committee. The funds will enhance community services and support local initiatives in Seeley.

The NorthEnd Alliance 111 will receive $750.00 to support the organization's efforts in community development.

The Board also approved an agreement with the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development that will secure $295.000.00 to be used by the Imperial Small Business Development Center to enhance business support, growth, and economic development in the county.