(The City of El Centro will host a Community Meeting)...The topic of the meeting will be the Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan.

The meeting will be held at the City Library on August 8tth from 6 to 7:30 pm. Kids are welcome. The meeting will feature children's activities and refreshments. The public is invited to share their advice on proposed recommendations for improving the safety and access of Imperial Avenue for people who use all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, Bicyclists, families with strollers, people with limited mobility using walkers and wheelchairs, and motorists. The Plan will redesign Imperial Avenue from Adams Avenue to Treshill Road. The plan aims to preserve Imperial Avenue as an essential regional roadway while incorporating needed safety and beautification improvements for people walking, bicycling, and taking transit. The plan is funded through a Cal Trans Sustainable Planning Grant and is scheduled for completion in February 2025.