(Fiscal Year 2022 Statistics)....They are for the Southern California Ports of Entry.
The Ports are in San Diego and Imperial Counties. During the fiscal year, which ended September 30th, Customs and Border Protection officers inspected more than 29 million passenger vehicles, more than 1.5 million trucks, almost 19,000 buses and nearly 16 million pedestrians entering the US. The total amount of narcotics seized during the year at the six ports decreased by 38 percent compared to the previous fiscal year. Marijuana seizures decreased 98 % to 320 pounds, cocaine seizures decreased by 23% to 8,790 pounds, Heroin seizures decreased by 68% to 764 pounds, Methamphetamine seizures decreased 23 % to 86,227, and fentanyl seizures increased by 5% to 6,704 Pounds. Officers arrested 2,408 wanted fugitives, an 8% increase over the previous fiscal year.