(Comite Civico del Valle, Inc.)....They have spread some Christmas Cheer.
They have helped hundreds of families with a little Christmas Cheer. It was spread out last Saturday. Last Saturday 300 chosen families came to Centro Civico's Headquarters in Brawley and were given $100. One Hundred more went to the Calexico City Hall to piuck-up $100 . 50 turkeys were given away at Calexico, as well. In Total, Centro Civico distributed $40,000. Eric Reyes and Isabel Solis with Los Amigos de la Comunidad assisted with the Brawley, Niland, Calipatria and Westmorland residents recieving awards. Maria Nava Froelich of the Calipatria-Niland Family Resource Center helped identify families to be assisted. In Calexico City Manager Esperanza Colio Warren and three city council members assisted in the giveaway.