(State Senator Ben Hueso names his Citizen Of The Month)....He is Jacques Istel.

Istel is the founder and mayor of the town of Felicity. The town was created in 1985 from a children's book writen by Istel, Coe, The Good Dragon At The Center Of The World. Istel was born in Paris France in 1929. He moved to the United States with his family in 1940. He graduated from Princeton University, andf then joined the US Marine Corps, serving in the Korean War. He reached the rank of Lt. Colonel. He became involved in Parachuting and eventually became the father of American Skydiving. Felicity was named after his wife, Felicia. The town was built as the Center of the World, from his children's book, but has become a lot more, with his History of the World in Granite, the Oceans monument, and more.