(Last year was a good year for Agriculture)….The 2016 Crop and Livestock report was released Tuesday.
The report was presented to the Board of Supervisors at their weekly meeting. County Ag Commissioner Carlos Ortiz made the presentation. He said Gross production for 2016 was valued at over $2 Billion. He said this is an increase of over $138 million or 7.2% compared to the 2015 gross value of $1.9 billion. Ortiz said the increase was mainly due to winter vegetables having better prices overall. Cattle once again ranked as the counties #1 commodity, with a gross value of over $400.6 million, despite a decrease of 10% from 2015. This was due to a 4% decrease in head count and an 11% decrease in market price. Spinach moved back into the top 10 commodities, as did Romaine Lettuce. The complete report is available on the Imperial County website.