(Controversial issue resolved)…The issue came at Tuesday’s County Board of Supervisors meeting.

The Board was voting on an adjustment package that would balance the Counties proposed budget. The vote was 3-2 in favor of the package. Board Chairman Luis Plancarte saw the simple majority vote and declared the package had been approved. He was quickly told Budget issues needed a four fifths majority to pass. County Counsel Adam Crook told the Board the only way to solve the matter was for the Board to take another vote. The Supervisors scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday afternoon to discuss the new vote. It turns out, there was no need for a new vote. Crook told the Board at the special meeting that he had studied the issue, and determined a 3 fifths majority vote was good enough, and the original vote would stand. The package contained $17.2 million in budget adjustments needed to balance the proposed spending plan.