(Holtville City Council looking for applicants)….The Council will be appointing a new council member.
There is no vacancy right now. But, there will be soon. David Bradshaw will reportedly be leaving the Council by April 4th. Bradshaw has announced he will be relocating. The newly appointed council member will serve out the remainder of Bradshaw’s current term, which ends in December 2020. The seat will be up for election in November 2020. Applicants must be a registered voter at their current address, reside within the City Limits of Holtville, and they may not be an employee or officer of the City of Holtville. They must be able to attend City Council meetings, scheduled or unscheduled, as well as workshops and public events. The deadline to apply is 5:00 pm this Thursday. Applications are available at the Holtville City Hall or at the City’s website.