Supervisor Ryan Kelley was elected to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Tuesday.
Kelley , who represents District 4 , was the unanimous choice of his fellow board members. District 2 Supervisor Luis Plancarte was elected Vice-Chairman of the Board for the coming year.
In other action , the Board approved an agreement between Imperial County and the California Secretary of State for $25,000 in Help America Vote Act ( HAVA ) funds for improvement of the administration of elections. The agreement provides the County with federal funds to assist in complying with the requirements of HAVA. The funds may be used for training of elections personnel and the acquisition or deployment of a remote accessible vote by mail system assisting voters with disabilities.
The Board also approved another agreement between the County and the Secretary of State for an additional $25,000 in HAVA monies to improve cyber security and infrastructure related to VoteCal.