(Summer Meal Program)…Free Healthy meals will be served to all children 18 or younger and to disabled people up to 21 years of age.
The meals are provided at several sites. At the El Centro Community Center on 1st Street. Breakfast starts at 8:00 am, lunch at 11:30 am from June 18th thru August 3rd. At the Conrad Harrison Youth Center and Martin Luther King Jr. Sports Pavilion on Park Avenue. Breakfast starts at 7:30 am, Lunch at 11:30. At the El Centro Public Library on North Imperial Avenue. Lunch is at 11:15 am, snacks at 2:30 pm. And at Meadows Union School District on Bowker Road. Breakfast at 7:30 am. Lunch at 12:30 pm. The Program starts June 18th at all locations. At the Community Center and Sports Pavilion, they will be closed July 2 thru July 6. At Meadows and the Library, they will be closed July 4th. All meals are free, but all meals must be eaten on site.