It will soon be baseball/softball season and umpires are needed.

The Imperial Valley Officials Association baseball and softball umpires will meet on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 and they are looking for men and women who want to get involved. The Association provides training in rules and mechanics for umpires who have worked at different levels as well as individuals who want to get started. Officiating games is a great way to stay involved and give back to the sport. Officials have the opportunity to work either baseball or softball, or both, at the high school level, and get paid as well. The meeting on Wednesday is at 5:30 p.m. in Trailer 10 on the campus of Central Union High School. Trailer 10 is on the Holt Street side of the campus. Another meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22nd at 5:30 p.m. in Trailer 10. For more information email Craig Lyon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.