( County Supervisors meet Tuesday)...It will be a regular meeting.

The main item, however, is the reorganization of the Board. They will elect a new Chairman of the Board. The past Chairman Luis Plancarte has already left the Board. Also Tuesday they will elect a Vice Chairman of the Board. The New Chairman will give his remarks, followed by the rest of the supervisors who have comments. On the action agenda, the Board will consider a resolution establishing the Emergency medical Care Committee, as presented by Janette Angulo, Director of Public Health. The Board will discuss a proclamation and resolution confirming the existence of a local emergency due to the Sweetpotato Whitefly, as requested by Ag Commissioner Jolene Desert. The Board will also consider a resolution making January 9th a one-time paid holiday for County employees in honor of the passing of President Jimmy Carter. The Supervisors are expected to adopt their meeting calendar for 2025,, discuss and possibly take action on the proposed 2025 Board and Chair appointments