(January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month)....The theme this year highlights the importance of a holistic approach to preventing human trafficking.
. It is to recognize its intersection with other forms of violence and social issues. Womanhaven says connecting the dots between human trafficking, online harassment and abuse, interpersonal violence, and other forms of violence can disrupt multiple forms of exploitation. They say understanding the role of economic mobility, desires for connection, technology, and market dynamics can prevent some of the most predictable recruitment schemes into human trafficking Worldwide it is estimated over 40 million people are held as slaves. Women and girls, men and boys, through sex and labor trafficking practices. Everyday, vulnerable people are trafficked. People looking for a way out of desperate situations, willing to take hold of any opportunity offered even if it seems too good to be true. Friday January 10th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. It is suggested you wear blue on that day to raise awareness.