(Heat Related illness update)....With temperatures cooling down, their may not be many more updates.

Indications are heat related illness was not as severe this year compared to other years. According to the latest update, there have been 11 cases of heat stroke reported, 66 cases of heat exhaustion, 50 cases of heat fatigue or dehydration, and 10 heat related deaths. That is a total of 137 heat related illnesses Last year there was a total of 191 heat related illness, with 22 heat related deaths. In the past 4 years, the worst summer was in 2022, as far as heat related illness. There were 31 heat related illness with 27 heat related deaths. The National Weather Service indicates the excessive heat is behind us. The Heat Related Illness Updates were released by the Imperial County Public Health Department, using numbers provided by El Centro Regional Medical Center, Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District and the County Coroner's office.