The 2024 dove season opens on Sunday.

Typically thousands of hunters, anxious to get their limit of the birds, invade the Imperial Valley. This year the weather should cooperate in making it a successful season. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Southern California, and especially Imperial County, contain prime dove habitat. CDFW  noted that the Imperial Wildlife Area, the Palo Verde Ecological Reserve and Imperial County Upland Game Fields, planted and harvested with seeds and grains favored by doves and provided by CDFW and partners. 

The early season begins on Sunday, September 1 and continues until September 15. The second half of the season runs from November 9 through December 23. Hunters can target mourning and white-winged doves. There is a daily bag limit of 15, of which 10 may be white-wings. There are no limits on spotted dove and ringed turtle doves. Hunting the invasive Eurasian collard-dove is open year-round with no bag limit. 

Hunters are encouraged to review all CDFW rules, get permission from property owners and clean up after yourself.