The Imperial Irrigation District will evaluate transitioning customers to average billing.

The IID Board Tuesday approved a resolution to conduct a detailed analysis and evaluate the process and benefits of transitioning all residential customers to average monthly billing. The traditional monthly billing system has seasonal fluctuations that sees electric bills spike in the summer. Average billing has been available as an option to residential customers.

The Board directed General Manager Jamie Asbury to assess the benefits and concerns related to converting all customers to the average billing systems. According to the Board, the evaluation should consider financial implications and operational feasibility. A simple opt-out option should be evaluated as well as several other issues to be studied. General Manager Asbury said, " We are committed to exploring every avenue to support our customers through these challenging times. This initiative reflects our dedication to providing reliable cost-effective power and a billing system that aligns with the financial needs of the communities we serve". The findings and recommendations are expected to be presented to the Board of Directors by November 2024.