(Mayor Pro-Tem walks out of meeting)....It is being reported that John Munger, Mayor Pro-Tem, walked out of a City Council Meeting this week.

The Holtville City Council was discussing giving City employees a 4-day Independence Day Holiday weekend. A frustrated Munger reportedly picked up his stuff, told his fellow city council members they were making poor decisions and walked out. He said he was also frustrated with poor community involvement. He said most of the time there is only one or two members of the community at a city council meeting. He said the limited community involvement was troublesome. Munger did not support giving the employees Friday off following the 4th of July Holiday next Thursday. In other news, Council member Ginger Ward is stepping down from the Council and moving to Texas. She has been on the City Council since 2012. She served on the Holtville Planning Commission before being elected to the City Council.