(The County Supervisors hold their regular weekly meeting Tuesday)...The Board will begin the public portion of their meeting by adopting a resolution.
The resolution is to honor Lisa Gutierrez, Social Worker 3, on her retirement after 22 years with the County. The Supervisors will also present Certificates of Completion to 29 residents for the UC Master Gardner Program training.. On their action agenda, the Board will be asked to adopt a resolution authorizing the hiring of a County Fire Chief at Step F. The County has been without a permenant Fire Chief since March 29th of this year. They will hear a presentation from County Behavioral Health Services and the County Sheriff's Office on the Opiod crisis in Imperial County. They will discuss an emergency grant request from the City of Calipatria. County Public Works will request actions on several items dealing with the POE Cady County Service Area. As the Air Pollution Control Board, they will be asked to take action on several issues presented by the Air Pollution Control Officer Belen Leon-Lopez.