(The City of El Centro participating in the Mural Grant Program)....The City will be highlighting local artists.
The City is inviting muralists to apply for grant funding to create mural art projects in El Centro. The vision of the Mural Art Grant Program is to enrich the lives of all residents and visitors by honoring the City;'s rich history, celebrating its diverse culture and creating experiences through art in City polanning and public spaces. They say public art in the form of murals can tell the story of the community. $35,000 in Measure P funding has been allocated to this program. The program will offer up to ten grants and up to $5,000 each for mural art projects proposed to be located on publicly or privately owned property. The application period is open until 5 pm October 10. Grant guidelines and applications may be obtained at the Economic Development Division Section at the website, cityofelcentro.org. A technical assistance workshop will be held August 9 in the El Centro City Council Chambers at 5:30 pm