An Imperial Valley native has been nominated to be the next California Chief Justice.
Governor Gavin Newsom has nominated Associate Supreme Court Justice Patricia Guerrero to serve as the next Chief Justice of the State of California Supreme Court. Justice Guerrero, an Imperial Valley native, was the first Latina to serve on the California Supreme Court. If confirmed, she will be the first Latina to serve as Chief Justice and would serve when current Chief Justice Tani Vanity-Sakaye concludes her current term on January 2, 2023.
Justice Guerrero was raised in the Imperial Valley and graduated from Imperial High School. She earned a Juris Doctorate degree from Stanford Law School. Governor Newsom appointed her to the State Supreme Court earlier this year. The governor's appointment and nomination must be submitted to the State Bar's Commission on Judicial Appointments and confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments The nomination of Justice Guerrero must also be confirmed by the voters in the November 8, 2022 general election.