(Calexico City Council Decision discussed).... It was at this week's City Council meeting.

The decision of concern was Calexico Mayor Javier Moreno's election to be Mayor for another year. The decision was made at the first Calexico City Council meeting in July. The decision passed over Mayor Pro Tem Camilo Garcia. Garcia and Council member Rosie Arreola Fernandez did not favor that decision. Arreaola Fernandez asked that the issue be brought back. It was, but she says what was on the agenda Wednesday was not what she asked for. What was on the agenda was Mayoral Rotation Policy Options. She said what she had requested was a discussion/action item with the clear legal interpretation and writing on resolutions, council annual policy Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem positions annually at the first regular meeting in July. There were a lot of comments that dealt mostly with taking sides on the issue and not the issue in question. Garcia finally asked that the original issue requested be brought back at the next council meeting. The rest of the City Council agreed.