(12-15 year olds eligible for vaccines)....The Food and Drug Administration authorized vaccines for this age group.

Imperial County Public Health Department says the Pfizer vaccine is available locally for the 12 to 15 year old age group. Officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup recommended the use of vaccines for the younger age group. Local County Health Officer Dr. Stephen Munday says it is welcome news for many families that the Pfizer vaccine has been authorized for adolescents 12 years and older, especially as school campuses are returning to in-person instruction. He said the possibility of having their children vaccinated will give many parents the peace of mind that their children are protected from suffering severe illness from COVID 19. The vaccine became available to the younger age group in Imperial County beginning Thursday. Dr. Mubnday says offering the vaccine to a younger population will be another way to get our community to imminity much faster.