(Complete COVID 19 update)…It will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors.

The update will be delivered by the County Public Health Department. The Board will consider increasing the matching scholarships for 2020 from $75,000 to $77,250 and approve the matching scholarship match to 36 qualifying students for the Agricultural Benefit Program Scholarships. They will discuss sending letters to Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris, urging them to work to ensure that direct financial support for counties and the creation of a COVID 19 Heroes Fund is included in the next COVID 19 relief package. As the Air Pollution Control Board, the Supervisors will discuss a Grant Agreement For just over $5 million for AB 617 Community Air Protection Incentives, CAP year 3. Those interested in the Tuesday meeting are encouraged to watch the livestream, available to the County website