Scammers are targeting seniors in the Imperial Valley.
Individuals are visiting senior housing claiming to work in the medical field , offering COVID-19 testing , and then looking for personal information of those they claim to test. The Imperial County Sherif's Office and the Area Agency on Aging issued the warning , urging seniors and all residents to be aware. To date , the only legal testing is being done at area medical facilities or temporary centers that ar registered with the county. According to Karla Flores of the Area Agency on Aging , the fraudulent testing has occurred over the past two weeks. In each case , the individual claiming to work in the medical field have gone to senior apartments , offered testing and requested personal information. There is no information about the accuracy of the tests that have been done. Flores said that those tested were told that they would receive results in three days but none have received a response. The Area Agency on Agency and the Imperial County Sheriff's Office to beware of the scam. Do not submit to a COVID-19 test unless at a clinic or proper medical facility. Make sure any one conducting tests are registered with the county Public Health Department. Do not respond to offers of free medical equipment. Only share Medicare numbers with trusted providers. Check medical statements routinely for services not provided. Report Medicare fraud.