(Salton Sea mitigation water)…The IID wants the issue resolved.
In order to focus its efforts on future Colorado River negotiations, the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors has authorized its General Manager and management team to work with the US Bureau of Reclamation to resolve a long outstanding issue over the District’s 2010 pre-delivery of mitigation water to the Salton Sea. To satisfy mitigation obligations for 2011 and part of 2012, to meet existing permit requirements in support of the Quantification Settlement Agreement and to avoid associated financial risk, the district pre-delivered 46,546 acre feet of its consumptive use entitlement to the Salton Sea. IID Board President Erik Ortega says the Board continues to assert the consumptive use of Colorado River water for QSA environmental mitigation purposes was an appropriate and prudent action. Ortega said the IID recognizes others may have a differing view and they will agree to disagree. A proposal to find commo0n ground will be developed by the General Manager for the board’s consideration.