(Caravan update)….It was delivered to the County Board of Supervisors Tuesday.
Calexico Port Director David Salazar and Border Patrol representatives gave the update. They said there were over 3,000 migrants from Honduras and Guatemala in Tijuana, and several hundred in Mexicali. Intelligence reports indicate those in Mexicali are awaiting transportation to Tijuana. That is where they will demand asylum in the United States. It appears Immigration advocacy groups in Tijuana and San Diego are sponsoring the migrant caravan, and they are providing transportation. It is believed that is why the caravan participates are traveling to Tijuana. A problem is that there are groups in Tijuana who do not want the Central American Migrants in their community. As for the question of the US military troops, the officials said the Federal mandate was for the troops to assist in infrastructure projects, and they had a departure date of December 15th. They said it appears the military will meet that date.