Two men died after bei8ng abandoned by smugglers in separate incidents last week.
The first incident occurred late Tuesday morning when U.S. Border Patrol agents on foot patrol in the Jacumba Mountains discovered a man who was severely dehydrated. Agents rendered first aid got assistance from the Search and Rescue ( SAR ) Team from Yuma Marine Corps Air Station and also from the Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue ( BORSTAR ) unit. Life-saving efforts were unable to revive the man.
In a separate incident Wednesday , two people , one of them a pregnant woman . were abandoned by smugglers in the Yuha Desert. Agents were able to save the life of the woman but agents and Imperial County Fire Department personnel were unable to save the life of the man.
Gloria I. Chavez , Chief Patrol Agent , said " Entrusting your life to criminals to smuggle you into the United States is dangerous , as these unfortunate incidents illustrate. Smugglers don't care about lives , they only care about collecting money."