(IID board to discuss MOU)….It is between the Imperial and Riverside Counties.
The County Board of Supervisors, however, would like support from the Imperial Irrigation District Board. The Memorandum of Understanding basically supports each counties improvements around the Salton Sea. The IID Board discussed the MOU at their last meeting. At that time the District Board said they would support the Memorandum, if it was adjusted just a little. For example, the IID wants a stipulation that nobody is taking responsibility away from the state for the restoration of the Salton Sea. Tuesday, the MOU will be brought back to the IID Board for their support. It will be at the IID Board of Directors meeting, that is being held August 28th. The meeting is open to the public at 1:00 in the afternoon and will be held in Condit Auditorium on Broadway in El Centro.