(A Salton Sea Workshop was held Monday)…It was held in the County Board of Supervisors Chambers.
The purpose was to hear 11 presentations on water importation project proposals that were submitted to the California Natural Resources Agency. The proposals were in response to the Request for Information issued last December. District 2 Supervisor Luis Plancarte said Tuesday he had attended the workshop, and found all presentations interesting, but all lacked one element. He said none of the presentations included a plan to clean up the New River. Plancarte said he did not believe any plan to mitigate the Salton Sea would be successful, unless it included a plan to clean up the New River. He asked that staff draft a letter to the Resource Agency asking that the proposals presented Monday include a New River element, before one is considered for possible implementation. The draft letter would have to be approved by the supervisors before it is submitted to the Agency.