(Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday)…There are several items on their agenda.
District Attorney’s office will ask for an adjustment in the appropriations for the Victim Witness program budget. The Board will discuss Out of State Travel for a Psychiatrist Social Worker and Mental Health Counselor to attend the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills training for trainers in Denver, Colorado April 30th through May 4th. Action will be requested on an agreement for services with Applied Development Economic, inc. to draft a 5 year comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. The agreement is not to exceed $49,720. The Supervisors will discuss the implementation of Pilot Point of Entry Water Treatment Program in partnership with the Imperial Irrigation District. The Board will also meet as the Air Pollution Control Board to accept a grant from the Community Air Protection Program and donate the grant to the Comte Civico Del Valle for the Community Monitoring Network. Also as the ACPD, the Board will discuss eligible projects in accordance with the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines.