(Vietnam era Veteran’s Honored)…Thursday was National Vietnam War Veteran’s Day.
The special day was created with the Presidential signing of the Vietnam War Veteran’s Recognition Act of 2017. A local Veteran’s group honored Vietnam Vets with a 21 gun Salute at the Veteran’s Memorial in Bucklin Park in El Centro. The appreciation did not stop Thursday. In California, Friday is Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran’s Day, as proclaimed by the Governor. Governor Brown signed the proclamation Thursday to honor the nearly 3 and a half million veteran’s who served in Southeast Asia between 1959 and 1975. The proclamation says more than 58,000 died in the conflict; 5,636 from California. Many more suffered injuries and other health conditions. The Governor said Vietnam War Veteran’s earned our everlasting gratitude. He said all Californians are urged to join in to honor the Veterans and assist them in every way possible.