(County Supervisors meet Tuesday)...It is the County Board'd regular weekly meeting.
The meeting will begin with proclamations and recognitions. The Supervisors will proclaim the week of April 6-12 as National Crime Victim's rights week. April 2nd will be declared World Autism Acceptance Day and the month of April as Autism Acceptance Month. Heriberto Sanchez will be recognized as the February Employee of the Month. And, employees will be recognized on the milestone anniversaries. In the afternoon, the board will receive an update from the Director of the University of California Cooperative Extension, Imperial Valley Mary Jane Guerrero, County Librarian will discuss funding for the Lunch at the Library program. The Supervisors will consider sending a letter to State Senator Steve Padilla sharing the County requests for the next fiscal year state budget. The Board meeting will be held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at the County Administrative Center in El Centro.