The Imperial County Board of Supervisors will hold a Special Meeting Tuesday.

The Board was originally scheduled to be dark this week. On the Action Calendar, the Board is expected to ratify an Automatic Aid Agreement for Exchange of Fire Protection and Specialized Rescue with the fire departments of the Cities of El Centro and Imperial and American Medical Response (AMR) ambulance service. The Board is also expected to approve the purchase of five 9mm handguns for the District Attorney's Bureau of Investigations Unit. The money will come from District Attorney Asset Forfeiture funds. An agenda item will also be considered for Emergency Construction Services for the Lyons Road Bridge in the amount of $273,000. Pyramid Construction will do the work. The Board is also expected to approve $47,000 for the purchase of two Narcotics Detection Canines for the Imperial County Sheriff's Office. The money includes the equipment to outfit patrol vehicles for the dogs. The meeting convenes at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Chambers of the County Administration Building in El Centro on Tuesday, February 18, 2024.