(The General Election is November 5th)....The Registrar of Voters is preparing for the election.

Voter Guides were sent out last week. Vote by Mail Ballots will be sent to all registered voters on October 7th. California Voters will notice Robert Kennedy Jr. is a candidate for President, even though he withdrew from the race in August. That is because he did not meet California's deadline to be removed from the ballot. Calexico voters will be choosing a full city council. There are 3 full term seats and two partial term seats on the ballot. This is due to the recent recall. In Calipatria, one of the measures on their ballot asks if City clerk should be an appointed position. The City Clerk seat is also on the ballot. Voters could conceivably vote to have the position appointed and vote on the candidate running for the seat., The City Council would then have to decide how to proceed.