The El Centro Police Department wants you to enjoy the end of summer and the upcoming Labor Day Weekend.

But they want you to celebrate responsibly. To keep the community safe, there will be additional officers on patrol from August 16 through Labor Day. They will be looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. El Centro Chief of Police Robert Sawyer said, " We want everyone to enjoy the end of summer travels and Labor Day festivities, but it's imperative to do so responsibly. Driving under the influence not only puts your life at risk, but also endangers everyone else on the road. Our goal is to reduce preventable crashes and save lives". 

El Centro Police offered a few suggestions:

Plan Ahead: If you know you will be drinking arrange for a designated driver or use ride-sharing or a taxi.

Buckle Up: Always wear your seatbelt.

Stay Alert: Avoid distractions such as texting or eating while driving.

Follow Speed Limits: 

Watch for Pedestrians and Bicyclists.

Take Breaks: If you"re traveling long distances, take regular breaks.