(Board of Supervisors hold their regular weekly meeting)....The meeting will be held Tuesday in El Centro.
The Board begins by honoring two employees. Both are with the Behavioral Health Services. Myrella Rocha will be honored for 30 years dedicated service with the Department. Scott Dudley will also be honored for 30 years dedicated service to the Department. On the Action agenda, Ag Commissioner Jolene Dessert will ask the Board to delete 2 positions in her department. She will also ask the Board to add and fund a position of Agricultural Biologist/Standards Specialist 3 and approve to add and fund 39 Bilingual allocations. The CEO will ask the Board to approve an agreement with CGI Digital for the creation and production of six one-minute information videos and he will ask the board to adopt a resolution authorizing the Imperial County Executive Officer to sign the agreement with CGI Digital. The Supervisors meeting will be held in the Administration Center on Main Street in El Centro.