(California Midwinter Fair starts March 1st)....The ten-day run will offer something for everyone.
That includes music. All bands will perform at the Mechanics Bank Center Stage. On opening night, it will be a tribute to the Beatles. Yesterday- The Las Vegas Beatles Show will start at 8:30 pm March 1st. The band has actually been endorsed by Sir Paul McCartney. Sunday is Dia De La Familia. The musical entertainment will be 3-time Latin Grammy Award Winner Lorenzo Mendez. His performance begins at 6 pm Sunday. Other Tribute Concerts will be Imperial Valley's Stiletto at 8:30 Saturday with a tribute to 80'ss Hard Rock. On March 6th will be the Country Tribute to Carrie Underwood and Jason Aldean. A tribute to Taylor Swift will be on March 7. Garrate Wilken and the Parrotheads will pay tribute to Jimmie Buffet at 8:30 pm on March 8th. In addition, there will be several local bands performing throughout the run of the fair.