(Imperial County Officials are encouraging voters to vote early)...They are suggesting registered voters vote by mail.
And then return the ballot as soon as possible. The Presidential Primary is March 5th. They say using vote by mail is easy and convenient Fill out the ballot and submit it as soon as you want. You can send it through the US Mail Service without the need for postage, or you can use any of the drop boxes located around the county, mostly at City Halls To ensure your mailed ballot is counted, it must be postmarked by March 5th, 2024 and in the Registrars office no later than 7 days after Election Day. Voting early allows the Registrar of Voters staff to process the final results more quickly and efficiently. You can also track your ballot by registering with wheresmayballot.com. More important is that, if you are registered, vote, make your voice heard. Participation is crucial to our democracy.