(Several Residents in Niland were flooded five months ago)....The Highline Canal flooded in September.
The waters flooded the community, causing damage to several home. Other storms since then have made matters worse. Niland is not a city, but a County Township. It has no council or mayor. April Ochoa, the Niland Chamber of Commerce Treasurer has taken the lead in an attempt to help her neighbors. She has taken the issue to the County Board of Supervisors and to the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors. At a recent Supervisors meeting, she thanked the Board for the $50,000 the county allocated in September from the county ARPA allocation. She said, however, it was just not enough. More than 80 families were affected by the flooding, most of whom did not qualify for ARPA funding. Supervisors Ryan Kelley who represents Niland said he had discussed the issue with the County Executive Officer, and they would be discussing possible solutions at the next Board meeting. Ochoa is also trying to get the IID to take responsibility for the Highline Canal and the damage it has caused.