(County Board of Supervisors set a public hearing)....It has been scheduled for December 19 at 11 am.
It will be held in the Board Chambers at the Administration Center on Main Street in El Centro. The purpose of the hearing is to consider and solicit public comments on the closeout and acceptance of the final activity completed under Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Relief Grant funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development. The County was awarded $109, 839.00 for the County of Imperial Food Bank Support program. Upon completion of the activity, $109,835.40 was expended and $3.60 will be disencumbered. And the closeout and acceptance of the final activity completed under CDBG Coronavirus Relief Grant funded by HCD. The County was awarded $420,733.00 for the County of Imperial COVID 19 Subsistence Payments program. Upon Completion of the activity, a total of $420,594.49 was expended in grant funds. A total of $138.51 will be disencumbered. To review supporting documents and or to participate in the public hearing by providing public comment, contact the Clerk of the Board at 442-265-1020 prior to the hearing date.