(San Diego and Imperial County American Red Cross hosts their annual event)....It was the Real Hero Awards ceremony.
It was held last Friday on the USS Midway in San Diego. The event recognizes unsung heroes among us. Ordinary individuals who have shown extraordinary courage in the face of diversity. There was one recipient from Imperial County. Paula Llanas, Director of the Imperial County Social Services Department had been nominated for her commendable leadership in two significant events. The first event was two days before Christmas last year.. Social Services had learned Homeland Security was releasing a dozen migrants in the City of Calexico. Llanas immediately activated her department's Emergency Mobile Unit. Due to most of her staff being out for the Holiday, Llanas personally led the responce. It turned out 30 migrants were left on the street without food or housing. Llanas took care of the situation, and even assured the children were provided christmas presents.. In February of this year, Llanas coordinated social services disaster efforts in Salton City after a major power outage affected nearly 1,000 families. For her efforts, she received the Disaster Services Hero Award..