Imperial County has been working to repair damage caused by the Friday storm.
The County of Imperial and Imperial County Fire Department and Office of Emergency Services issued an update late Saturday. The storm caused extensive damage across Imperial County with the community of Niland bearing the brunt of damage. The northland community was flooded when the heavy rains caused flash flooding from water running off the desert mountains to the east. A portion of the East Highland Canal filled with silt and water from the runoff and put much of Niland underwater. The American Red Cross opened a shelter for displaced residents at Grace Smith Elementary School and is offering assistance and referrals to Niland residents.
A number of travelers were trapped along Highway 78 when Milpitas Wash filled with runoff and shut down the State Highway. A number of county roads were damaged by the rains with work continuing to repair the roadways.
The storm brought coordinated efforts from all local emergency agencies as well as the California Office of Emergency Services, and the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Border Patrol and a number of volunteers.