(A Summer Surge of COVID 19 was predicted).....Health Officials say Increased COVID cases are being recorded across the nation.
That includes Imperial County. They say the latest numbers indicate a 12% increase in COVID 19 cases. The health officials, however, say even with the increase, the virus levels are at a record low. The say residents could start wearing masks again, but only if they want to. There are no mandates for mask wearing. The health officials say there is medication to control the virus, and they would only recommend residents keep test kits available. If you test positive, and the symptons begin, see your healthcare provider or go to the hospital for the medication. There was a COVID 19 update released in Imperial County Thursday morning. The numbers indicate there are currently 48 active cases of COVID 19 in Imperial County. That is up from the 41 cases reported Tuesday. The State COVID 19 Tier Metrics For Imperial County indicate 1.90 new cases per day per 100,000 population, with an 8.2% positivity rate. The elderly and those with an immunity deficiency should take care and avoid contacting the virus as much as possible. It could still be very serious for them.